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@samjc my pinkies have had a hell of a workout since I got this keyboard. How're you finding the Moonlander? I was very close to choosing that or the Voyager instead of this
@samjc TWiN sounds ideal and I've just found plenty of interesting on, thanks! I like xkcd but I can't imagine how the hover the image would work in RSS format 🤔
@jsonbecker I didn't think to check the wikis. I've found loads of interesting looking feeds that have been right under my nose this whole time, thanks!
@amerpie I hope it was a pleasant show and not one of those crime dramas
@jsonbecker most of the sites are aggregators like Reddit, which I've just seen has RSS feeds available but I guess they'll be noisy. I want less surfing and more flicking through the newspaper at a beach cafe. I guess I'll have to put in some effort to get to that point.