Rowardennan to Inverarnan.

Day 3 was similar to day 2 in that it was a long and undulating loch-side walk.

Rain on the tent

Day 3 was worse than day 2 in that on day 2 I had drank a whole beer and that gave me a hangover.


So at the first possible chance I had to fix that.

Hikers wearing full rain gear wait for a coffee from the Bocsa Bean coffee trailer

Shoutout to Bocsa Bean for having ready to eat bananas.

The coffee helped wake me up, the banana replenished some potassium, but it was probably the walking that actually fixed me.

Me walking on a raised wooden boardwalk.

Or maybe it was the sweets from the honesty box.

An honesty box containing sweets and other hiking supplies.

Paused for a moment at the WW2 memorial, thinking of all the Scottish lives lost.

Auto-generated description: A circular monument with a triangular centerpiece stands in a lush, green setting near a body of water, surrounded by trees and featuring flowers placed at its base.

And then it was on with the walk.

As mentioned in day 2 the loch-side walk was difficult. Not impossible, or anything I hadn’t done before, it’s just that it kept going with no real stops to break up the journey.

Auto-generated description: A narrow, winding path surrounded by dense, green foliage leads through a forested area.

So I stopped at some of the waterfalls for a hydration break along the way.

A water filter containing clear looking water from a waterfall next to Loch Lomond

It had rained just ever so slightly all morning,

but I was wearing a merino wool sun hoodie so I got away with it.

Auto-generated description: A person with glasses, wearing a sun hoodie, with a majestic beard is hiking on a forested trail carrying a backpack with a green cover. The ground looks a bit wet.

At some point the sun decided to join us, so I sat by the loch and let my feet air out for a bit.

Auto-generated description: A person is sitting on grass with one foot out of a shoe, wearing dirty beige pants and resting near a rocky surface.

The smell can’t have been that bad,

Auto-generated description: A lakeside scene with scattered camping gear near the shore, surrounded by trees and hills under a cloudy sky.

as a couple came over to do the same thing.

We had a nice view.

Auto-generated description: A serene landscape features a calm body of water in the foreground, with lush green hills and a cloudy sky in the background.

There were a few points where the path got quite close to the loch,

Auto-generated description: A person standing on a moss-covered rocky edge by a body of water with overhanging tree branches.

but mostly the walking was ok.

Auto-generated description: A steep wooden ladder ascends through dense greenery and rocky terrain in a forested area.

Eventually I reached the end of the loch, where a familiar face was making camp on the shore:

Auto-generated description: A person appears to be tending to a campfire near the edge of a wooded area by a body of water.

I don’t normally do fires when I’m camping, but the bugs were relentless so I understood. Plus this spot had fantastic views of the loch and surrounding hills. I would go on thinking about this camp site for days.

Auto-generated description: A grassy path leads towards a mountainous landscape under a cloudy sky.

The trail started to become easier but by this point I was tired. The excitement of realising I only had 5km left meant I had started… skipping… along the trail. Which was fun, but it tired me out and I didn’t have the energy to smile when I got to camp.

Auto-generated description: A bearded man with glasses is wearing a hooded jacket and standing outdoors with trees and hills in the background.

Dinner fixed that.

Auto-generated description: A juicy sesame seed bun burger with lettuce, accompanied by a side of chips, sits in a white, open clamshell takeout container on a wooden table.

Lochan Maol Dhuinne to Rowardennan: 1km

Rowardennan to Inverarnan: 22.5km