Inverarnan to Tyndrum.

I was still recovering on the morning of day 4, so I had a full Scottish breakfast at the Stagger Inn on the camp site before I left.

Auto-generated description: A rustic bar interior is adorned with wooden panels, hunting trophies, and various bottles, with bar stools placed in front of the counter.

I did’t take a photo of my food but it was great. Instead you can also admire the weird shit they had on the walls.

Auto-generated description: A rustic interior features a stone wall adorned with a mounted deer skull, old saw blades, and an iron chandelier.

As well as the guest book I didn’t sign.

Auto-generated description: A blackboard filled with colorful drawings, messages, and signatures commemorates walking the West Highland Way.

I had trimmed my toe nails before setting off but my little toe had somehow grown a pointy bit that was stabbing into my other toe. Luckily the on-site shop had supplies to sort me out.

Auto-generated description: A selection of items including a can of rhubarb soda, a bottled drink, Skittles, a banana, a pack of blister plasters, a bag of snack cheese, and the packaging of a manicure set are displayed on a wooden surface outdoors.

The shop was also where I had a nice conversation with another camper. No names, just talking. I was starting to like this talking to other people idea.

Packing up my things to leave a neighbour noticed I had used my towel to wipe the water off my tent and recommended using a sponge instead.

Auto-generated description: A person, seen from above, holds a sponge with the word Spunj and a smiling tongue logo, while standing on grass.

It wasn’t preachy, it was just advice from one camper to another. And he was right, my towel was damp for the rest of the week after that.

Auto-generated description: A detailed map is displayed on a signboard, showing a hiking route from Fort William to Glen Nevis, with various landmarks and trails highlighted.

The difficult walking was all done with.

Auto-generated description: A winding gravel path cuts through lush green hills and trees under a partly cloudy sky.

Today would be much easier.

Auto-generated description: A narrow, winding path cuts through a forested area with lush green grass and tall trees on either side.

In fact the only difficult parts were crouching underneath the sheep dips,

Auto-generated description: A small underpass beneath a wooden bridge is covered with a variety of colourful stickers and graffiti.

avoiding puddles,

Auto-generated description: Someone is standing on a muddy, rocky path with two trekking poles, surrounded by greenery.

and trying to slow myself down from the dancing pace I had settled into.

Auto-generated description: A fitness tracker display shows a hiking activity lasting 3 hours, 4 minutes, and 45 seconds, with 1,105 active calories burned, an average heart rate of 128 bpm, an elevation gain of 434 meters, and a distance of 12.49 kilometers at a time of 14:58.

Eventually I passed through a sheep farm,

Auto-generated description: A flock of sheep grazes on a lush green hillside, with a stone wall in the background.

where I was lucky enough to witness a shepherd and his dog in action.

Getting closer to Tyndrum was a very tiny shop selling supplies.

Auto-generated description: A group of hikers with backpacks and trekking poles are gathered around a small table with a chair, set up with snacks and beverages, near trees and bushes.

All the profits went to the local school, who were raising money to buy a new climbing frame.

I didn’t have any actual money on me and I felt terrible. I had wanted to support the local economy during my trip, and here I was with a perfect outlet for it, and yet I only had my card on me.

I ended up spending hundreds of pounds playing on their local climbing frame, and yet I couldn’t find a way to spare a couple quid for the children to have their own.

Luckily the pizza rocks were free.

A hand is holding a small stone with red paint on it for the sauce.

It wasn’t the ideal gift to give a hiker who still has 75km to walk, but it weighed less than the guilt.

Getting closer to Tyndrum I stumbled upon a Lochan that may or may not contain Robert the Bruce’s sword,

Auto-generated description: A serene landscape features dense greenery, a tranquil pond, and trees under a cloudy sky.

but I didn’t check.

I arrived in Tyndrum at a much more reasonable time than the day before, feeling a hell of a lot better for the easier path and slower pace of the day.

The route takes you past a holiday park with big signs that they have hot tubs. I will admit I was slightly tempted, but something told me to continue roughing it in my tent. It’d feel better in the long run.

So I setup camp in a corner of By the Way campsite, looking at this saggy tent,

Auto-generated description: A peaceful campsite in a grassy area features a small green tent, two parked camper vans, and tall trees in the background.

before heading up the road to the Tyndrum Inn where I sat outside,

Auto-generated description: A rustic outdoor seating area features wooden picnic tables with a scenic view of lush green mountains under a partly cloudy sky.

and had the best Haggis, Neeps and Tatties I’ve ever had,

Haggis, Neeps and Tatties with a whisky-cream sauce

before settling in for the evening and watching Good Bloke Outdoors' video on the insanely low amount of things he took on the same route as me,

Auto-generated description: A serene landscape with lush green fields, a small stream, and a backdrop of forested hills under a partly cloudy sky.

as well as whatever Paul Messner had been up to that day.

Auto-generated description: A lush, green landscape with trees and a rolling hillside under a cloudy, twilight sky.

Inverarnan to Tyndrum: 19km